“Since Climate Change and the Global Economy now Affect us all, we have to Develop a Sense of the ONENESS OF HUMANITY…”
~ Dalai Lama
Climate change is not a single nation’s problem, it is one that should be dealt with globally. Historically, the rat race of GDP growth and global power left our planet’s health in the back of many minds. We have seen empathy return to our world governments through the appeals of activists and scientists that can no longer sit aside an allow such recklessness continue.
Agreements and programs such as the 2015 Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development program have supported global awareness and action, but we have a long way to go. As inhabitants of GAIA, we must defend and protect her by coming together to make ‘Our Planet Great Again’.
Only a small cost of .1% of global GDP ($140 Billion USD) would be required for humanity to adapt to a warming planet.
A natural approach to ending deforestation and restoration of dying forests has the potential to lift 1 billion people from poverty, adding 80 million jobs globally and could add $2.3 trillion USD to the global economy.
Canada, in particular, provides a wealth of the world’s forests by contributing to 30% of the world’s forest. In addition, Canada accounts for 9% of overall forest cover.
Our forests makes up 40% of our nation's area, but still offers room for improvement in many urban centres. For example, Toronto currently has 27% canopy cover and EcoSikh Canada will be supporting the restoration projects to reach 40% canopy cover in the coming years.
Planting trees replenishes our global forests and as a result, provides additional environmental benefits:
•Prevent surface runoff and flooding
•Provides a habitat for up to 80% of the world’s species and is integral to global ecosystems
•Absorb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases while filtering air pollution
•Produces oxygen that helps us breathe
•Reduces the ozone levels in highly urban areas
•Cleans our water supply through their roots filtering pollution
•Trees cools down our climate
The World Health Organization estimates deaths related to air pollution are an astonishing 4.6 million per year.
Half of the 300 million tonnes of plastic produced annually are 'single use plastics'. The production of plastics can contribute up to a quarter of our carbon budget by 2050 if not reduced.
In addition, the impact plastic has had on our environment from pollution is frightening. It is estimated one dump truck worth of plastic enters our oceans every minute.
Sources indicate approximately 100,000 mammals and 1 million sea birds die each year due to plastic effects. More species are threatened than ever before.
As microplastics enter the environment, they also enter our bodies. If you have 1 litre of bottled water, you have the potential of 314 such particles entering your body.
Let's fight the fight to ban single use plastics and reduce overall production, consumption and waste.